book recs, kitten & witch, news, sales

sneaking in with this month’s post!

First, sales! In honor of their 9th anniversary, my publisher JMS Books is having a two-day sale – all ebooks 50% off July 31 & August 1! So if there’s anything of mine you’ve been meaning to pick up…perhaps some lesbian witches, or a demon and his rock star?…now’s the time!

Second, news! As you might’ve heard, Less Than Three Press is closing down – which is such a loss to the small queer publishing world, and also of course to me, since they were one of my publishers. But JMS Books will be re-releasing all of my stories with them – the Kitten & Witch m/m shapeshifter paranormal series, and Extraordinary, the m/m/m polyamory superheroes, of which the second one will be all brand-new and shiny, since it hadn’t yet been released with LT3! The first Kitten story, “Port in a Storm,” is already available again, and “Fire and Ink” will be up again next month, and then the Extraordinaries.

I’ve also been working on a few new things…look for a longer story soon, about a banshee and a pooka, as part of the JMS Books Legendary Love collection, for one…for another, well, I’m apparently 209,422 words (yes, that’s right) into the thing I’m affectionately calling the Book Monster. If you’ve heard me babble about this one on Twitter or Tumblr, you know which one it is. Actors falling in love while filming a Regency-set gay romance! Mutual pining! So many bread-related puns! I’m so excited, and also terrified of the length. (Almost a sex joke there. But…no.) I love this story so.

Finally, book rec of the month! Not a romance, but fantasy: Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees, which is beautiful, dreamlike, lapidary and delicious, steeped in folklore like dandelion wine, and full of heartbreak and hope. Mirrlees’ poetry is lovely too, particularly if you have any interest in literary lady lesbians of the 1920s who hung out with Virginia Woolf and T.S. Eliot.

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