character bleed, contemporary, demon universe, extraordinary (superhero polyamory fun!), fantasy, historical, kitten & witch, leather & tea, magician, writing

series lists!

So JMS asked for a list of all our series, and mine has become…extensive…so as I was compiling it, I thought I ought to share it here, especially since the book list on this website is very out of date!

This does NOT include one-shots and stand-alones like “A Flowering of Ink” or The Featherbed Puzzle – everything here is, or is planned to be, at least three stories!

Italics are full-length novels, “quotation marks” are novellas / short stories.

Regency Magicians (with K.S. Murphy)

Spells and Sensibility

Chaos and Conjurations

Prophecies and Promises (in progress; ending the trilogy; title subject to change)

A Regency Trio (I don’t have a better name for this yet – maybe I’ll think of something after the third and final story? It’s the Regency MMM stories; they’re all Catullus-poem titles)

“As Many Stars” (Blake’s POV)

“Marked Out with Greater Brightness” (Cam’s POV, coming soon)

(untitled third story, Ash’s POV, to complete it)

Storm and Shadow

“The Snails of Dun Nas”

“In the Pass of Ghosts”

“The Merchant Witch”

(2-3 more outlined)

A Demon in Love

A Demon for Midwinter

“Lightning in a Bottle”

“Love Songs for Every Day”

“Sunlight and Gold”

“A Demon for Forever”

“The Demon’s Choice”

“Snowed In: Kit & Harry”

“Bedknobs and Brimstone”

“A Demon’s Very Good Morning”

A Demon in Love collected box set containing all of the above

**Spin-Off Regency Magic Prequel series, same universe**

“Snowed In: Kit & Harry”

“Midwinter Firelight”

“Midwinter Music”

“Midwinter Marriage”

The Middle Lands (Magician etc; this is in internal chronological order not publication order)


“The Twelfth Enchantment”

Apprentice’s Luck

(actively in progress direct sequel to Apprentice’s Luck, probably called Captain’s Fortune)



(forthcoming untitled f/f story for Lorre’s daughter)

Extraordinary (MMM superheroes)

“Sundown, Holiday, Beacon”


“Refuge at Clifftop”

Extraordinary collected box set

Kitten & Witch

“Port in a Storm”

“Fire and Ink”

(in progress: “The Warlock Affair” – someday I will finish this story, dammit)

Leather & Tea

“Leather and Tea”

“A Leather and Tea Morning”

“Leather and Tea in London”

“Coffee and Tea”

“Coffee and Tea: Epilogue” (these last two are the two Character Bleed crossover stories, in which Colby and Jason meet Ben and Simon!)

Across the Seasons (Wes & Finn)

“October by Candlelight”

“December with Peppermint”

“February Sugar”

“Tempests in April”

“Kisses for a June Afternoon”

“Under an August Moon”

“An October Question”

“December Beginnings”

“Seasons” (exclusively in the Flashes short story collection – crossover story with Jason/Colby, specifically overlaps with the Character Bleed story “Spectacular”)

Character Bleed

(okay, so – technically the Leather & Tea stories, and the Seasons stories, are also in this universe! There’s some crossover! But I’m keeping them listed separatiely so this series doesn’t get overwhelming!)




collected Character Bleed trilogy box set

In Frame (Leo/Sam book 1 of 2; coming in August)

In Focus (Leo/Sam book 2 of 2; coming in probably October)

“Cinnamon and Strawberries”


“The Comfort of Cinnamon Pancakes” (only available in the Flashes short story collection)

“The Naming of Weather”


“Sugarplums and Sailing Ships” (crossover story with Nate & Marcus from “Gingerbread Dreams”)


“Spectacular” (crossover with Wes/Finn from the Seasons stories – overlaps with the last scene of “Seasons”)

“In Character”

“Coffee and Tea”

“Coffee and Tea: Epilogue” (these last two are the two Leather & Tea crossover stories, in which Colby/Jason meet Ben/Simon)

Serendipities (the collected Jason/Colby Character Bleed short stories)

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