author events, flash fiction

Pride prompt story!

It's now been posted and shared properly over at the Small But Mighty Facebook Group Pride Flash Fic event, so I can share it here too - here's the flash fic I wrote for Elizabeth Ellerby's prompt of "a home designer and the ugliest cat ornament you've ever seen," which was a perfect prompt, since… Continue reading Pride prompt story!

flash fiction, historical, romantic reads

a free story! and a photo of mine…

Happy Thursday! Would you like a present? Would you like a free short story of mine? "Staircases and Stories" is up for free over on the RoMMantic Reads 'zine today, as the final story in our summer photo prompt challenge! I'd already written something for the sand sculpture prompt (and all of these were supposed… Continue reading a free story! and a photo of mine…

contemporary, fantasy, flash fiction, paranormal romance, rainbow snippets

rainbow snippets: treasures (part 2)

This week’s Rainbow Snippet is another little snippet from a m/nonbinary flash fic, called “Treasures,” that will be out from JMS Books June 24! It’s a contemporary-with-magic short, with a magical toy shop and a very attractive toymaker…and here’s Blake in desperate need of a gift for his niece…and, well, spoiler: of course our toymaker… Continue reading rainbow snippets: treasures (part 2)