fantasy, rainbow snippets

rainbow snippets: the isle of skiy

This week’s Rainbow Snippet comes from "The Isle of Skiy" - out tomorrow, June 29!" "The Isle of Skiy” is something slightly different for me – this short story is more fantasy than romance, though there is an MM romance in it! It’s about…ocean magic, and an isolated island, and a new-to-the-throne young king who… Continue reading rainbow snippets: the isle of skiy

author events, flash fiction

Pride prompt story!

It's now been posted and shared properly over at the Small But Mighty Facebook Group Pride Flash Fic event, so I can share it here too - here's the flash fic I wrote for Elizabeth Ellerby's prompt of "a home designer and the ugliest cat ornament you've ever seen," which was a perfect prompt, since… Continue reading Pride prompt story!